
Blessing of Graves 2021

Blessing of Graves 2021
  • Bodyke Church Grounds
  • Kilnoe Cemetery
  • St. Coolan’s Cemetery
  • St. Cronan’s Cemetery
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,


Enrolment Mass for 1st Holy Communion Children

Thanks to everyone who came to our first Family Mass and congratulations to all the children from Bodyke and Tuamgraney Schools who enrolled for their First Holy Communion. We are very much looking forward to starting on this special journey of faith, which will result in your…

Mass of Remembrance 2021

The Mass of Remembrance is a special Mass held every year in November
to remember and celebrate the lives of our loved ones’ who have gone before us
to live in the light of the Lord.
In thanksgiving for the light and love we received we light a candle and pray a prayer

Mass Rock Ballydonahane – September 3rd

In his first week in the parish Fr. Dariusz celebrated Mass at the Mass Rock Ballydonahane on Friday September 3rd. Below are some of the images captured by Fr Dariusz on the evening.


We warmly welcome Fr. Dariusz Plasek as he takes up his new appointment as Parish Priest of Bodyke Tuamgraney this week.

Change of Mass Time in Tuamgraney Church

Please note that from next Saturday 21st August onwards the vigil Mass in St. Joseph’s Church in Tuamgraney will be at 6.30pm. Please spread the word about this change which is being made to enable the celebrant to safely travel to celebrate a later Mass elsewhere.

Fond Farewell to Fr. David

Fr. David leaves us to take up his new appointment in St. Joseph’s Ennis on August 6th. It is with deep sadness that…

Resumption of Masses

Our public celebration of Masses is well underway and thanks to everyone for your continued co-operation and support regarding the numbers allowed at masses (no more than 50), and the wearing of face masks which is required by all who attend. Please make sure you observe social distancing and hand sanitising.

Bodyke Church – live services

Mass will continue be live streamed but only on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Just click this link BodykeChurch

This is also the link for all ceremonies in  Bodyke-Tuamgraney and O’Gonnelloe.