
Reconciliation Service

A Reconciliation Service for the Cluster will be held on Tuesday 20th December in the Sacred Heart Church Scariff at 7pm. All are welcome.


Confession will be available after all masses in Bodyke and Tuamgraney churches during the season of Advent for anyone who wishes to receive it.

Blessing of the Graves

Blessing of Graves – Sunday November 13th

  • Bodyke Church Grounds – after 9.30am Mass
  • Kilnoe Cemetery – 12 noon
  • St. Coolan’s Cemetery – 12.45pm
  • St. Cronan’s Cemetery – 1.45pm


Remembrance Tree during November

You are invited to put the names of your deceased loved ones on the leaves provided and hang them on the Remembrance Trees, which will be in both churches during the month of November. This will be a reminder to all of us to remember and pray for the deceased at this very special time…

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina in Ogonnelloe Parish Hall on Tuesday evenings from 8pm to 9pm. Contact Olivia at 087 6380201 or [email protected] Starting on Tuesday 25th October. Lectio Divina is a traditional Christian practice of scriptural reading, meditation & prayer that helps to deepen your prayer life.  Lectio Divina has been part of monastic life for centuries but has…

Graveyard Mass

The annual Cemetery Mass will take place on Friday September 30th at 6.30pm in Bodyke Churchyard. Please let family and friends who live outside the parish know. All are very welcome to attend as we gather to remember our faithful departed. There will be no 10am Mass in Bodyke on that morning.

Clothing Collection

Tuamgraney National School are holding a clothing collection on Tuesday September 27th. There will be a covered trailer parked in the set down area outside the school. Clothing, shoes, towels and bed linen accepted in bags before 10am. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Bake Sale

There will be a Bake Sale in aid of Annaghneal Community Hall on Sunday October 2nd from 2pm to 5pm in The Cobbler’s Rest. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Rosary in the Memorial Park

As part of the Public Square Rosary Crusade on Saturday May 14th, the Rosary will be prayed in the Memorial Park Tuamgraney at 4pm on that day. Please join us in honouring Our Lady of the Rosary. Everyone is very welcome.