Mass on St. Patrick’s Day will be at 9.30am in Tuamgraney Church.
Scariff St. Patrick’s Day Committee will hold its church gate collection in Bodyke on Sunday March 9th. Please support!
Welcome, and thank you for visiting our parish website. Our site is intended to be a source of information about our parish for locals and visitors alike. We hope that you may find these pages informative and supportive. We welcome your suggestions.
Saturday | 6.30pm |
Wednesday | 10.00am |
Mass on St. Patrick’s Day will be at 9.30am in Tuamgraney Church.
Scariff St. Patrick’s Day Committee will hold its church gate collection in Bodyke on Sunday March 9th. Please support!
Below are some of the images captured at the recent Candlelight Concert in St Cronan’s Church Tuamgraney
Webcam service is now operational in the parish. Weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses and Funerals will be broadcast. Other services may be broadcast from time to time. You can access the service by clicking on the link below:
The boxes of Giving Envelopes for 2025 are now available at the back of Bodyke Church and will remain there until the end of January. Please take your box and those of your neighbours also if they are unable to pick them up. Thank you.